What  If This Is Heaven?

What If This Is Heaven? What if we understood how powerful we are—that we are powerful enough to mold both our internal and our external reality?

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From the sales page:

If life is about the journey and not the destination, could it be that this is heaven—this physical life we are living here on Earth? What we experience in our daily lives often feels like anything but heaven. But what if we understood how powerful we are—that we are powerful enough to mold both our internal and our external reality?

As she explains in What If This Is Heaven, Anita Moorjani, the New York Times bestselling author of Dying to Be Me, is convinced we can do exactly that. The process, she explains, requires dismantling many cultural myths mistaken for indisputable truths. Beliefs such as “We get what we deserve,” “Loving ourselves is selfish,” and “Coincidences are just that—coincidences,” are ingrained within us from birth, pervasive and influential, leading to generations of misguidance.

Following her near-death experience, Moorjani began to embody truths she learned in the other realm, discovering that letting go of these outmoded myths allowed her to experience heaven not as a physical place but as a state of mind, right here and right now. In this examination of our common myths, she shares stories and examples from her own life, revealing the lies beneath the surface of what she was taught and absorbed. By freeing ourselves from these falsehoods, Moorjani asserts, we can leave fear, heartache, and self-imposed boundaries behind and instead live lives full of purpose and joy.

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From the Author

Several of you have written to me saying "How can this possibly be heaven? If this is heaven, why does it feel like hell??" And I want to say that I'm actually not surprised by that reaction, and even when I came up with the title, I expected some of you to say that to me!! So let me explain. Many years ago, my life was hell too. I was bullied very badly as a child, and was taunted and discriminated against for the color of my skin and my family origin--something I had no control over. That really made my life miserable. And it certainly felt like hell when I was going through cancer, being in constant pain and fear for all those years.

Life truly was a struggle for me, and I lived in immense fear for a huge part of my life. I had always believed that life happens to us. In other words, I believed that I was a victim of my circumstances, so I was always reacting to life instead of creating life. Of course I didn't believe I created my life circumstances. Who would create a childhood of bullying and discrimination, all of which shaped my thinking? Who would choose to be born as a woman into a culture that still believes women are inferior to men? Who would create cancer in their own life? Of course I was a victim of my circumstances. Or so I thought...until I "died".

It's been 10 years since I faced death and came out the other side. Now when I look back at these past 10 years, I can see that my life is so drastically different from what it was prior, that I sometimes wonder whether I actually came back from death, or whether I'm still in the other realm. All the fear I used to have, all the pain, all the insecurity - they are all gone! So much so that I wonder whether I'm still dead and this is heaven! Every day, I get to do stuff I love to do! Of course this feels like heaven!

But then I read the letters I have received over the last few years from so many of you,where you share your pain, and your fears. And also, I take a look around at the world around us. And it all brings me back down to earth. And I wonder, "Why can't we all create this state of heaven for ourselves? What is preventing us from doing it? Why did it take death for me to realize how to live my life? Isn't it a wasted life if people only learn the truth of how to live when they die?"

Those are the questions that inspired me to write this book. I don't want you to have to wait until you die to learn how to live. Remember, we are all connected, and I feel what you feel. This book comes from my heart to yours.

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My thoughts:

We've been conditioned by religion and society to believe we are powerless, that we must depend or some external something or someone to call the shots in our lives. 

But what if  we have far more control over our lives than we've been led to believe? 

If that sounds good to you then read What If This Is Heaven?  It's an amazing book. 

Highly recommended.

what if this is heaven

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